
IEEE Electronic Library
Provides one-third of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, communications, and computer science.
IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library
The collection includes numerous content areas such as bioengineering, power and energy, and communication technologies.
IEEE-Wiley Telecommunications eBooks Library
The collection provides information on telecommunications and related fields.
MIT Press eBooks Library
Offers titles in fields including computer science, artificial intelligence, information theory, computer programming, information technology.
Now Publishers Foundations and Trends® Technology eBooks Library
The collection a trusted resource for researchers who are looking for a high-level introduction to unfamiliar subject areas in engineering or computer science.
SAE eBooks Library
Focuses on today’s cutting-edge technology in automotive, aerospace, and commercial vehicle technology.
Artech House eBooks Library
Spans content areas such as Antennas and Propagation, Bioengineering, Electromagnetic Analysis, Communications.
CAB eBooks
The collection covers agriculture, international development, animal and veterinary sciences, environmental sciences, plant sciences, etc.
World Library
Provides large collection of Primary Source eBooks for academic libraries.
iG Publishing
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