Dear researchers,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is organizing an international webinar “IEEE Xplore Webinar: Search Strategies to Maximize Your Research Experience” on October 20, 2021.
You can help your users stay current and productive by quickly getting them up to speed with new IEEE Xplore features, publications, trending content, and more with the free webinar from IEEE. This free IEEE Xplore webinar is a great way for users and students to refresh their search skills, as well as unlock all the features available within the IEEE Xplore digital library.
Event Details:
Title: IEEE Xplore Webinar: Search Strategies to Maximize Your Research Experience
Date: Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Time: 12:00 p.m. ET
Duration: 1 hour (45 minutes presentation, 15 minutes live Q&A)
Registration link: